By Ali
Date: 10 February 2001
Faded Blue Jeans
The dust has finally settled, and things are passably clear
I realized, today, that the picture hasn't changed
That the scenery's the same, as it was before
And your face is still beautiful, perfection
Such as an artist will forever strive to capture...
Your eyes are still the same, still blue and still bright
But your smile is different, and your walk is more free
The knots in your shoulders have melted away
You laugh a lot more, and gripe a lot less
And I wonder at what the burden is, that you seem to have lost
But, I suppose that I know, what has made you so changed
Still, you do not say it, you choose not to tell me
I guess I know, but I don't really know
I don't know why you have returned...
I know that you're not perfect, hell, who is?
I know you've lied, a time or two...
But, I know that you make me feel, just like a woman should
And, maybe things will be different, or maybe they'll be the same
This thing could work out, or it could fall apart
You could stay or you could go, it depends on a kiss
Now, I want you to stay...No...I want you to go...
Oh, now, I'm not sure what I want
'Cause you could break my heart, again
Or mend it...
But, I just don't know...
I trust you, darling, and I think I should
But, there's all these voices, nagging, that say your no good
There is so much I don't know, so much I don't understand
But, there is one thing I do know
I know that you're trouble
Trouble, in faded blue jeans....
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