By Nightrider
Date: 10 February 2001
Hidden Jealousy
I have no right to, this I know
But you told be about your plans for the night
And out of nowhere I got jealous, and didn't want to hear anymore
I just wanted to close my ears and tune you out, but I couldn't
You don't do it on purpose, I know
But you tug at my heart
And sometimes when you talk about all your girls
I just want to scream, yell and go off for no reason at all
I am sorry for not supporting you like I should
But at times it takes everything that I have just to listen to you
And give you advice on love and life
I just want to be there for you when you need me, but I find it hard
You are the best friend that I have ever had
But I am so afraid of losing you
And when I feel myself getting jealous, I feel like I am letting you down
I can't tell you any of this, because I don't think you would understand
So instead I am writing it all down on my computer
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