By B.K.
Date: 14 February 2001
Waiting for You
From Maui’s tropical shores,
carrying you so carefully,
breathtaking beauty of
rare red orchids, worth the
worry, care. I have watched
begged, pleaded, sang to,
hoped, for over a year now.
I’ve danced for, played some
Italian love songs to, given
best lighting, and the right
temperature daily. My hopes
at times, almost dashed to
the rocks, when suddenly
from no where, a sign, that hope
springs eternal. The hand of
Mother Nature springs into action.
My Valentine present, for patience,
five rare red orchid blooms, ready
to open, giving me a sign, new
hope, strength, courage to wait
for the right moments. Waiting for
you, My Darlin Love, only you.
Happy Valentines Day, I love You!
From Your B.K.
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