By Du'Doll
Date: 14 February 2001
An Excuse to Love
So often we pause and hesitate to say how we feel
Usually if we pause for even a moment, we give in to our fears
Its not always romantic love that we wish to express
But still love is not a word that any of us wish to toss around
Love is something meaningful, a word that has deapth behide it backing it up
Friends come and go but words that were said stay with us for a lifetime
So carefully we gaurd what we say and wait for Valentine's Day
When Feburary 14th arrives we all suddenly break down the barrier
With the barrier or self consciousness laying in rubble at our feet
Our wings of self expression begin to streach out and we begin to fly
Out of know were we feel free to say I love you
Not only to our significant other, but to our family and our friends
We don't have to worry about what the individual might think
Because all over the world, I love you is being said
Valentine's Day isn't just a day for lovers and romantic fools
Valentine's Day is a excuse to love and to let others love you
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