By Me aka Niki
Date: 16 February 2001

I don't break promises

I sit here
And I imagine him next to me
Sitting there
In silence
Looking at me like I'm all that matters
Breathing in my neck
Taking in deep breaths of his smell
I want his hands to trace the lines of my face
Printing it in his mind, forever
I want him to hold me on the beach
Under the great milkyway
Wispering sweet "I Love You's"
That travel away with the wind over oceans
Pull me close and never let go
Dance with me to the music in our souls
Take my hand and lead me thru the paths of life
Don't say a word
Because for some reason
Words always failed us
And I always thought that we said so much
Without saying a thing
Then kiss my lips one last time
Softly and slowly
Just like our first kiss
The one that made me fall for you
Then let me go
I will watch you turn around and walk away for the last time
I will remember
I won't forget
And I'll dissapear
That's a promise
And I once wisperd in your ear
" I never break my promises "


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