By B.K.
Date: 17 February 2001

Dust Yourself Off and Kiss Jiminy Cricket

Believe, My Darlin Poets,
never give up those impish grins
that love to play with fire.
Never lose hold of kindness of
strangers, for one might hold
your desire. One never knows
when eyes might recognize your
soul, or take your breath away,
just let others go, if they want
to leave, they weren’t right for
you anyway. Don’t waste your time
if it’s over, take it in stride,
begin again. Jiminy Cricket your
life back into shape, keep it going,
be ready to begin. I tell you all
this because I’ve been there, more
times than I care to say, but I still
have hopes things are going to work out,
well, maybe, for today. (sigh)


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