By H. Dale Hagood
Date: 20 February 2001


The time has come to make a move
And follow that path down life's road
The one that leads to who knows where
Around the bend or over  a hill
Through a forest or jungle there
We must go without fear
Of hurting the hearts we love so dear
It won't be easy to part from you
But we're at that fork in the road
And if we stay at this point in time
A heart or two will be broken
So we must go each down our own path
Who knows we may come back to here
And if we do we'll be stronger for it
Because we honestly tried and moved on
We'll keep intouch and never forget
What a wonderful love we have
A love that if I never see or hear speak again
Will last a lifetime if only in my dreams
On this road of life with so many paths

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