By Harem
Date: 22 February 2001


Love is but a pressure, not kind but noble and true.....
Although it causes wanting,  it shows that  I  need  you.....

An ache thats never ending,  a  craving  oh  so  deep....
A  Yearning  to  be  with  you,  at  times  I  cannot  sleep....

Words  will  not   describe  it,   phrases  cannot   tell ....
Oceans   never   quench  it,    deeper  than  a   well....

Causing tender feelings,  to  surface  from  within....
Savoring every  moment,  in the presence of your grin.....

Your  needs  become  important,  I  put  them  before  mine...
Your lips  become my  pleasure,  like  intoxicating  wine....

No  sacrifice  denied  you,  by  my  ever  caring  heart...
I  miss you  when  you're  with me,  and more  when  we're  apart....

Its forgiveness for each failure, and each mistake I make.....
Knowing that you'll always be there,  with every breath I take......

When times get tough and things go wrong,  I'll be there by your side.....
When no one else  extends their hand,  when they all run and hide......

Its a two way street of kindness, where mercy and trust abound.....
Its knowing that you understand,  and lift me when I'm down......

The thrill of walking separately, waiting for the night.....
When once again we join ourselves, and let our hearts take flight.....

A song with words only we can sing,  for only we can know......
The lyrics and the melody,  as we sing them soft and low......

When  no  one else  can  touch me,  or make me feel this  way....
With you alone,  I  want  to  walk,   with  you  I  want  to  play......

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