By Megs
Date: 5 February 2001

She Might Smile Forever

The truest words he has to offer her, he rarely speaks.
Its sad that he can't see how she clings to his offhand offerings-
Second thought strung out syllablles and sentences said softly
at night when he is caught off guard by his love for her.
All at once it might slip out
as if it should be a secret that he thinks she is beautiful
Too good to be true
All words which, he is afraid, would ring awkward and insincere if breathed to life
but just the same they cross his mind constantly
when he catches her eye or her smile or the sound of her laugh. A real laugh.
He thought to himself once she could heal him solely with her smiles.  
He still believes that is true.
And if he told her out loud
she might smile a little more often.

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