By Melissa
Date: 6 February 2001
I'm Sorry
I'm so sorry.
Sorry I've been so distant lately
I know this is no excuse,
But I'm scared
Scared of you hurting me.
I just feel so much for you
All these feelings I've never had before,
I think I'm actually falling in love with you
And it scares me to death.
All I want to do is be with you,
And I can't seem to put in to words what I want to tell you.
I'm afraid if I don't tell you how I feel
I'll lose you
I wouldn't be able to handle that
I know.
I don't want to lose you,
Not for anything
I just love you so much
When I see you,
It's like I don't know how to act
All I want to do is touch you
But I can't seem to reach you.
You're right here next to me
But it's like you're miles away.
I know you want me,
It's just that I can't get this thought out of my head,
The thought that one day soon, you're going to be gone
Sooner than I'd like to think.
I just don't want you out of my life.
I wish I could be more open with you
The best I can do is try,
And that's exactly what I'll do
Try to show you I care
By more than just the look in my eyes.
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