By Stephen
Date: 14 February 2001
V-Day Questions Mentioned
While valentine is admiring
I'm forever pondering
what lies yonder for my blue hearted soul?
will high school pretend
to be fond of me on lend
could we ever chalk ourselves to unfold?
frightened fate fondles my brain cells
when my thoughts are covered in boysenberry dumb-bells
For I know that close you are, mine your not.
When we crawl to higher education
Will our promises of friendship go through graduation?
Nay will I continue on this poisoned melancholy road
Paradox I date
While fate I concentrate
in my sticky love-tangled idiocy
Could I let go?
For just a time to let grow
your jealousy on a coin flipping tails
Should I wait for thee?
Go on in my misery?
Or can I find someone else?
Why I don't know
Maybe this quill can't stab through paper
But maybe the ink will fail to the stapler
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