By B.K.
Date: 23 February 2001
I Want the Moon!
Our stars show all possibilities,
the traps to fall in and out, the in
between, revealing paths of light
and dark. They tell you when you are
in too deep, when to watch out. But
the heart has no armor, those looking
through blurry eyes refuse to listen when
the mind says stop, the body says no.
When certain synchronicity of stars
collide, nothing can stop it but sheer
distance, an ocean deep, full of sharks.
That won't ever stop the want, the taste,
of being with your true soul mate. It is so
instant and lasting, your heart will ever
yearn, your eyes will ever cry, your lips
will ever whisper their name until death,
or another set of stars collide, to take you
further journeying through this time and
space we call earth. There is more than one
soul mate, for everyone out there. The path
narrow and the road long, but keeping your
eyes shiny and bright, never giving up hope,
just when you least expect it, the moon you
always wanted, just might become yours.
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