By Jessie
Date: 23 April 2001

How do you know

How do you know when someone you don't even know comes into your life, how do you know if they care for you??  Or better yet if you even care for them??  Can you see it in their eyes or can you feel it as their eyes are beating down on you watching TV.  Can you tell by his voice, the way he answers when he know it's you and says "Hey".  Or can you tell it in his smile when you see his face.
But how does he know if you care for him??  Can you see it in my eyes, or do you feel my eyes upon you as I watch your every move.  Or can you tell it in my voice when I ask you anout your day at work.  Can you see it in my smile as I see you and I smile from ear to ear!!  Just tell me exactly how do you know?!

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