Date: 23 April 2001

Liar and User

Liar and User!

I trusted him again,
He told me he didn't have anywhere to go,
That he still loved me and wanted a life with me,
That he would never leave me,
He would understand and be patient,
Patient until we got our own place.

Well I should have listened to my head, instead of my heart.
He came here and I ran him all over the place,
Made sure he had the things he needed,
Food in his stomach, clean clothes and a roof over his head.
The Medication he needed so badly to stay alive,
All for nothing.

He did it to me again,
Lied and used me until he didn't need me anymore,
Then while I was gone he left,
Without a word, no note, not even a message.
He is a very selfish person, and I am glad he is gone.
I just hope I don't ever hear from him again.

Next time he almost dies,
Don't bother calling me,
If he is living on the street,
That is only what he deserves,
He has made his own destiny.
I hope he is happy in it "alone"

I can think of only one other man who was in my life,
that I disliked as much as I do this man now,
He was my ex-husband and his name was John,
I don't wish anything bad to happen to him,
It isn't neccessary,
Because I believe "what goes around comes around"

If I sound bitter it is because I am,
Before he decided to play this game with me,
I had a wonderful man that wanted me as I am,
We had made some really great plans to do things,
I was so foolish to believe in the Dark Angel,
I should have done what I told a friend at work to do,
RUN and run fast and hard away from you.

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