By ~ Harem ~
Date: 20 April 2001

" End of My Search "

You're  the water  I  sip on
That quenches my  thirst
The love that I dreamed of
The end of my search

The words to my writing
Alive at long last
To heal all my sorrows
The pains from my past

You're the master who rubbed me
Just the right way
Releasing my passions
Molding my clay

The thrill of the poet
The Magical Verse
You have the power
To lift the curse

I  walk in your  trance
While under your  spell
When I am thirsty
I  drink from your  well

You're the evenings  I  longed  for
The touch that I craved
The mornings of pleasure
Your  hands are my slave

You're  the mountains in springtime
A walk on the beach
The sleepy blue ocean
The wave that  I  reach

The Crash of the thunder
The roll of the sea
The rareness of ivory
The strength of a tree

You're  the  man that I trust in
To always be there
The comfort of lotion
A  breath of  fresh air

The end of the rainbow
The tip of the star
I've waited so long for
And now, here you are


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