By Harem
Date: 17 April 2001

( LIPS )

Full , soft , valuptuous lips beckon to me.
They call out,  look at me, look, look.

I do not want to look, for I know my weakness.
Fighting hard ,  I  look away,  anywhere.

Willpower is fading, fading, fading.
Magnetic pull draws my vision toward them.

Looking at the pillows of  luscious desire .
Tantamount to  visual  molecular  teasing .

My eyes fall upon them and cannot escape.
Trapped in the quicksand of pleasure.

Sinking deeper and deeper into temptation.
To  fondle his sensual lips with my eyes.

Grasped  by the vision of swollen pertubences.
That smile with devilish romantic charm.

Mind blushing from the thoughts contrived.
Held captive to the rapture of  visual loitering.

Becoming bolder as I touch them with my gaze.
Feeling them and tasting them with my mind.

My own heartshaped lips quicken with anticipation.
Throbbing with thoughts of  the day they shall meet.



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