By Cathy - Catherine.O'
Date: 3 April 2001

I didn't mean to make you fall in love with me

I didn't mean to make you fall in love with me
I didn't want you to give me your world
But I got it, I couldn't help but love it
And soon, I couldn't live without it
But I couldn't give you your dreams and hopes
I couldn't love you the way you wanted to be loved
Too much anger has built up, too much tension...
I was out of my mnd
You didn't want to leave
Even though you were miserable
Comfort takes the place of love & lust
Having someone to fall back on
Having someone you know who loves you
But your happiness was non-existent in our relationship
And that made you bitter and mean
Your mentality couldn't stand up to mine
And now you are lost again
Find the clueless bitch to suck your dick
and never challenge you...
See how long that lasts.

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