By Du'Doll
Date: 16 April 2001
Not Even Close
I hate you
I am not just saying that, I really do hate you
I don't want to hate you
I don't want to love you
How am I supposed to feel, after you hit me
After you hurt me, after you scared me for life
We have a bond...of some type
I don't care though
Just get out of my life
What you did to me for so many years
You should be the one paying for it
You aren't, I am
I cry over you
Sometimes it feels like you're dead
I have nightmares about you
Then I cry some more
The words you scream at me
Everytime you see me
They do hurt
But I am sure you don't care
Why did God put you in my life
Didn't He know that you would hurt me so much
Didn't He care
I know I'm supposed to love you
I know I should forgive you
I know I should...but as of now...
I am not even close
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