By Du'Doll
Date: 10 April 2001


After talking to you for hours
I started to think back on our past
Remembering all the things about that first summer
And questioning about the road ahead

It doesn't seem that long ago
When I first met you
You were cocky, full of yourself, and arrogant
Or so that is the impression I got

We hung out because of a mutual friend
You put up with me
Thinking me only to be a charity case
As for me, I didn't know why I was there

Soon the summer was over
I left
You were the only one that wasn't there to see me off
That was your own fault, but I'll leave that one alone :o)

Soon after a month or so passed
I called you
We talked
That is when it all started

We got closer and closer
We began to visit
I soon began to trust you
You soon began to trust me

We never have seen eye to eye on alot of things
We probably never will
None of that has ever mattered
We both gave our all, a hundered percent

Now five months from now
There will be no more long distance calls
No more holiday visits
No more e-mails

You and I will be face to face
Not just for the weekend
Not just for the day
But day after day for the full school year

I don't remember when you and I grew so close
I don't remember when I began to love you so much
I don't remember when you became my foundation
But "when" doesn't matter

God gave us eachother to build one another
To incourage the other when the other is weak
It doesn't matter why God gave us our strong friendship
It only matters that He did, and I thank him every day for you

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