By Du'Doll
Date: 26 April 2001
If God Were to Take You From Me
When you called I knew suddenly that something was wrong
Why were you calling me
It wasn't Saturday
It wasn't Sunday
It was however Tuesday
I heard it in your voice
Your tone caused chills to run down my spine
I could hear it
This time our conversation was going to be serious
What happened
What is wrong
Are you ok
Did I do something wrong
Questions flooded my mind, within a instant, a second
No sooner had my mind begun to reason
You were telling me it all
You were hurt
You could have died
If you had fallen in a different position
If the car behind you had been closer
Stop it
I don't want to even think about what could have happened
Don't ever scare me like that again
Don't ever look death in the eye so closly again
God please protect my friend
The best friend I have and could ever have
Protect him from harm
If pain and injury must come to one of us
Lord please let it happen to me
I'm strong enough to handle it
But I don't think I handle loosing him
If you had left this world
What would your last memory of me be
What would my last words to you have been
So now before another second should past, I want to get it said
I love you, you are my best friend, my brother, my guide
Thank you for loving me, leading me, correcting me
Without you my life would be as dark and lonesome as my nights
So if the Lord were to take you from me
I want you to remember all the good times we've shared
All the times you have seen me cry
All the times you have seen me laugh
I love you Justin, remember that
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