By Du'Doll
Date: 30 April 2001
We Need to Talk
There are things that I am hiding
Feelings that I surpress
I know I need to tell you
But then I start to get scared
I start to feel foolish
I have so many feelings all mixed up inside
I don't know which ones are stronger, which ones are right
Do I want to slap you
Kick you
Make you bleed
Or do I want to kiss you
Kiss you over and over
A hundred times
Each kiss getting better
Deeper and more passionate, taking more time
We do, however, have all night
What am I saying
I don't like you
I don't have feelings for you that way
But wait...maybe then again I do
Who knows what is going on inside my head
Who knows what I am going to say next time we chat
But I think it is obvious
We need to talk
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