By TheDubalPoet
Date: 7 April 2001
Here on this rocky surface
emotions are hard to trace
So let us travel to solid foundations
somewhere we can discuss our relations
In a mistic room filled with clouds and light
there sits two chairs in sight
Let us sit so that our faces are in each others eyes
Fight the temptaion to look away, please try
Now, come let us slice through this fog
That has smothered us like smog
We must break the barriers instead of turn away
Why has our fellowship started to decay?
Start with our self-examination of the heart
These recent transactions have stretched it apart
Pride had dwelt within the depths
This would be the ground floor which I have built the steps
Extending to unforgiveness and self-righteousness
That have brought upon this stress
Mercy has been beyond my grasp
Expressing tenderness is an even greater task
My openess has been shut to my desires
Realizing I need the water to quench these fires
Let the flames not spread
By consuming the Words which You have said
I pray the humbleness will stake the claim
of this territory of my heart that is wane
Please accept this sacrificial apology
In which I can take empathy
. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Proverbs. 17:17 - "A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity."
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