By John Lorenz
Date: 23 April 2001
War Games
This case is one that is open and shut:
When one of us is in love, the other is not.
First you soften me up, then you close the door,
Leaving my heart embittered, bewildered and sore.
So, I vow to shut you out and, though my love is still strong,
To stop the hurt, and end the sweet union we have had for so long.
But that was before our love went so very dreadfully wrong.
Again you cry, saying you feel very lonely and needy
And before I know it, I’ve re-opened my tender feelings for you;
Hoping that we can both at last begin healing;
Yet again you despise the love that I show,
And turn icy, uncaring and won’t let me know
Why your words and voice grow so cold, so lifeless in tone.
You cut me to my very bone,
Whetting your blade of cruel indifference
on your heart, that is harder and colder than stone.
Just when I think I need you again,
Your affection for me is nowhere to be found;
Yet, when you seek me, you get desperate,
And cry if I don’t quickly come back around.
Baby, how do we both get off this Merry-Go-Round?
How do we stop playing this cruel game of up and down?
I swore when you dissed me again the other night
That it would be the last time;
That this time I would give up the fight.
I just cannot keep paying this awful price.
Honey, love is not war games. It is never half-nasty, half-nice.
It is true devotion that does not mock or play around
With what a friend feels.
If it does, it is not love, it is pure myth that is allowed
Only to steal time and energy from an already too-short life.
Baby, our war games have got to stop forthwith.
Love isn’t war and it is not a game:
It is either heaven, or it is living death
And doesn't drive its object insane.
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