By Elaina
Date: 23 April 2001
Moment in The Sun
Your kiss like a dagger
piercing my heart. Like
the sun if directly stared
at is blinding. However the
warmth is sought after
and my body feels no pain.
I've been here once before,
only now these things I feel
a distant memory. And numb
though I am, the taste of
bitter sweet romance lingers
in the air, the aroma so thick
that every once in a while I
must sink down out of the mist
to catch my breath. I came to
my decision...I can't. No more
will I let you use me, like
a whore. I'm strong now. Never
before have I felt this strong,
or this brave. And I run my life.
I decide what doors to open and what
demons to let in. And when I've
had enough (and I have) I close
the door and never look back. Never
have I felt this free, or crazy.
And my insanity comes and goes,
all on what you do. You know that
I can not refuse that moment in the
sun, but it'll hurt me and melt my
skin like an ancient vampire. And I
will cry, my lord, how I will cry,
but I'm leaving it up to you. Your
move, one way you can let me off easy,
or check mate? All I ask is that you
think of the consiquences.
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