By Rick
Date: 14 April 2001

"The Mystery of Love"

                                    Is there a real difference
                                    between romance and love?
                                    Did God intend us humans
                                    To feel like Heaven above?
                                    If God is love, the creator of love
                                    Then why must love bruise the heart?
                                    Why is it when you think all is good
                                    Something blows your world all apart?
                                    Love is really God's total law
                                    Yet we humans break it everday
                                    With hurt feelings and insults
                                    Is there some fine we will have to pay?
                                    When He created life as we know it
                                    Why did he create such an emotion
                                    Where you should be feeling wonderful
                                    But it's like you're drowning in the ocean
                                    For some reason, people seem to find love at will
                                    Some of us only find love one time
                                    After that, we spend life on earth alone
                                    Like it's a punishment for some serious crime
                                    It will always be an enigma to me
                                    the feeling is with us right at the moment of birth
                                    Perhaps it's the world's most unanswered question

                                    Why did God put love on this earth?

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