By Brian O'Connell
Date: 3 April 2001
I thought of you
I thought of you.
how do i know that i love you.
I can forgive you of all you have done,
I can forget it too.
with every breath, i take
with every beat of my heart
i am happy to be with you.
when im away
when im near,
i long for your touch,
to hear you sigh.
to see you in your splendor
to see you in the morning,
to play peek-a-boo when you are in
the shower.
these are some
the taste of your skin.
the smell of your hair.
the flavor the bathroom when
you take a shower.
when you are in pain, i care.
when you spend more than we have.
when you tell me to talk normal.
are these love?
are these memories?
where is the love?
it was there,
i never knew how much
till you were gone.
you want romance?
i do too.
you need time,
i am giving it too you.
you have my number.
you have my email.
but most of all you have my heart.
can you ever forgive me?
can you can you.
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