By Madison
Date: 2001 May 01
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 I've been brooding.
 Somber as a silent bird.
 Nested deep in a
 chino cushion, red walls
 surround me like a womb.
 Sun-speckled arms of
 mountain laurel fidget
 outside the window.

 I've been brooding.
 Stewing in the pointless
 words we bleated ear to ear
 across the wireless waves.
 Promises surfacing
 and resurfacing
 like corpus delicti from the
 bottom of Crescent Bay.

 A soft hiss of silence through
 the plastic earpiece in our
 hands. Make it or break it
 pivotal tones. A hush,
 when what we needed was
 an orchestra. You have one minute
Rambling, ambling,
 and yes we digress. Picking at
 our string of words like beaks
 in feathers. My jaw catches.
 My mouth, cracking dry as
 splinter-boards on its plume.
 Why couldn't I just say it.

M. Madison
01 may 01