By cnewlife
Date: 2001 May 04
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My Last Picnic

I will be having a picnic today. I don't have any choice, if I don't do it today I more than likely won't have another chance. I'm going to be moving farther inland and there is rarely any weather good enough for picnics in there. Most of the time there is nothing but ice and 50 below temperatures.

When I got to the park, the area  I had reserved suddenly wasn't available. So I searched and found another spot that doesn't look reserved. I see some people coming, is it theirs? I don't know, but I will try to start the picnic.

This bag is so heavy, and now it has torn, food everywhere, I have to pick it up, those crows up there are just waiting for me to step back, I better hurry, I see some really dark clouds not too far from here, they said it wouldn't rain, can you see which way  they are moving ? Why are you way over there?
Never mind.

Can you see where those people are going, which way the clouds are moving? I need to get this tent up before it rains, why didn't I undo all of these ties before I came here, damn that was really stupid of me to not think about that before I got here, how can I hold all of this food while I open the tent?

My broken leg really hurts, would you please bring me some aspirin.
Thank you.

Those crows! GO AWAY!! Would you please try to make the crows go away? Are those people coming over here?  I'm sorry I keep bothering you. I should be finished soon.

Hey, I found another bag! I can put the food in there, now the food is safe. I have the tent up, that was exhausting, and who knew that the instructions would only be in Spanish, and the box said you wouldn't need any tools, I'm glad I found the right size rock.  But it's up, isn't that great?
Huh? Did you say, anybody could do that, no big deal?

Well, I think I will get the food, I spent so long cooking all of this.  Huh? Your not hungry?

Are those people any closer to us now? Did you feel that rain drop?  I think it's going to rain, what do you think?
Never mind.

Please come and play some cards with me, what would you like to play?  No, I want you to choose. Ok, we can play that.

Why do you look so bored? I thought you wanted to go on a picnic with me?
Why do you keep staring at those people over?
What is that you just said? Did you say something about wanting  some of their bq?
Never mind.

We just started playing, where are you going?
Oh, ok.
I guess I will just play solitare and eat by myself then.

Since you have a whole lot more picnics you can go to this one doesn't really matter that much anyways does it?

Why did you bring your overnight bag?
Oh, ok.

I'll see you when you get back. Huh? May or may not?

Oh, ok.