By ~Harem~
Date: 2001 May 07
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^Lie down upon my words^

The sound  of  a voice,  soothing as a delicate petal.
Calls gently to your mind, drawing you closer.
Downy fluff softness beckons you to lie down.
Upon the magic carpet of my words.

Just a thought brings life into the vessel of braided wool.
Germinating the seed of movement sprouting beneath.
The carpet trembles with a quickened pulse of its own.
Earth bound gravity slowly releases its  hold.

Serene and calm permeate the air.
Anticipation of magical  flight .
Tingling flows through epidermal veins.
Skin blushed  with warm expectation.

Phrases have slid beneath you and begin to lift.
Feeling  of  weightlessness has tipped the scales.
Effortlessly floating you away like an airborne bubble.
Forward and upward , in a gentle rolling motion.

The hammock of heaven has taken you.
Birds watch with envy as you drift by as a spirit of grace.
Soaring where neither cloud nor eagle can go.
Beyond the rainbows of tomorrow, and the pain of yesterday.

~ ~ ~