By ~Harem~ Date: 2001 May 09 Comment on this Work [[2001.]] |
I write the words as they come to me From where, I never know The tempo becomes a frenzied pace Although it starts out slow I try so hard to avoid the rhymes And the sing-song type of sound But I manage to wind up in its swing As my words go round and round Delighted when the words cut deep Into, what I wanted to say When they flow in utter ecstasy When I command, and they obey What it does to me, when I write a poem Can only be explained In terms of lovers making love Or getting high on French champagne At first the warm rush through my skin The tingle tender glow When my lover starts to fondle me As he takes it soft and slow Then the pace begins to change a bit From a slow and steady thirst Increasing in its intensity With every rising verse The excitement keeps on growing Swelling long and deep and wide As I write the poem, and feel my words While they penetrate inside As I ride and writhe the heated pace Dig my nails into the flesh Of my thoughts forced onto paper Going faster, flail and thresh Give my emotions and my senses Free reign to write as they please To take the reader to the heights above Or to bring them to their knees In agony I call on the muses To relieve all the tension inside I shake and I quiver while writing Exhausted but so satisifed. ~ ~ ~ |