By Du'Doll
Date: 2001 May 13
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Shadows silent
Shadows wishing
        The moon casting a mystic haze
Shadows dancing between the leaves
Shadows twisting around you
        Playing games on your face, your lips, your eyes
Shadows running from the wind
Shadows hypnotizing me
        The stars are overhead
        The sounds of the traffic blurr into a soothing hymn
Shadows embedding in my brain          
Shadows whispering ideas in my head        
        You take my chin in your hands
        Your eyes searching mine
Shadows licking me
Shadows eating me        
        Just asking me to lean in and kiss again
Shadows everywhere
        I must resist
        I must not give in
Shadows tasting me      
        I must conquer before I am beaten
Shadows touching me
Shadows loving me
        Don't look at him
        Don't let the shadows overtake your mind
Shadows spinning
Shadows teasing
Shadows laughing
Shadows singing
        In the shadows are you and I
        I am fighting
        I am trying to hold my own but...
Shadows win
Shadows fall
        And with the shadows so am I