By ~Harem~
Date: 2001 May 21
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If only.....................then I would be happy.....

You hear it all the time.

If you're not happy without someone.
Then you won't be happy with them.

No one can make you happy
or bring you happiness

Happiness is not a new car, or a new job
It's not new clothes, a new hairdo,
or a new figure.
It's not more money.
It's not a new lover
Nor a proposal of marriage

Happiness does not result
from the things which you posess.

Neither is it something that someone
can give to you, like a gift.

It can't be bought, borrowed or stolen.
Can't be given, offered, nor forced on anyone.

It's a state of mind
A state of being.
A prevailing attitude.

Regardless of who you are with, or without
Wether you are alone, or in a crowd
In love,  or freshly discarded
Found someone, or lost someone.
Enduring poverty
Or living in a penthouse

Happiness is how you look at things.
It's opening the door,
to only what makes your heart glad.
Seeing the beauty in everyone's face
Feeling the ray of hope, during the storm

When you learn to be happy within yourself
and with yourself,
Then you will become a healthy companion
Capable of loving and giving and sharing.

While watching children in a third world country,
on TV one day.....
I noticed
They had no shoes.
Their clothes were torn and tattered.
The commentary said that they only ate
Once, every two  days,
And that they worked 12-18 hours each day.
They were carrying large heavy loads on their shoulders.

And yet they were singing in French,
"Ditez-moi pourquoi la vie est tres belle"
(Tell me why life is so beautiful.)

It made me cry
It made me think
Think hard about happiness.
