By sinneD
Date: 2001 May 26
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My Servant

I bear feelings from my master
whose thoughts of you can drown me
as surely as the sky can't willingly drive away her stars
never can he chase away your presence in his mind
like water is to seas, trees to forests, rain to clouds
you're to his heart, your memory to his mind
sad, he calls on you for comfort
happy, he wishes for you the same blessing
you fill his consciousness
sometimes, even adrift on the corridors of sleep
he calls you, says he needs you
this humble servant knows no greater truth
than he needs you more than anything,
as the day needs light, the night, the dark
if he is a melody you are the notes
if he is like me, you are the words
you are his essence, the atoms of his flesh and bone
the picture painted on his mind
the name carved to his heart
unblemished yesterday
today and until eternity passes away