By Riggs
Date: 2001 Jun 05
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So What's Gonna Change

This less than triumphant replacement of the telephone receiver in its banal white cradle shall result in tomorrow being seen by decree of my best intentions as the "FIRST DAY OF THE REST OF MY LIFE."
Such bold naïve cliches are normally uttered when one has made an inner resolution to forge ever onwards into the great unknown, putting behind them the misfortune or misfortunes that have recently befallen them.

TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF THE REST OF MY LIFE is normally the catch cry of those who are planning to make a fresh start, believing foolishly that life shall be fairer this time around. Ignorant and selective of memory like the gambler who is convinced that his big score is just around the corner. But not I.

How is it that I have become so cynical. Have I inherited the lowest genes of both generations X and Y. Is it that my miserable grunge sensibilities refuse to completely relinquish their grip to a soul that is desperate to embrace Daft Punk.

So what does the first day of the rest of my life have in store? Tomorrow I will most likely buy a new packet of cigarettes thereby destroying my lame efforts to quit once again. I may try to organise a gathering of friends at my place on Saturday night. Or maybe not. The thought of sitting amongst the circle of couples seems like a bit too much in light of what has just happened. Tomorrow night I might go out and get drunk with a few people from University. If we ever get ourselves organised. And if not there is a good chance that tomorrow night will find me writing more bitter, self-pitying, stream of consciousness bullshit.

Yeah...A lot's fuckin changed.