By skrible
Date: 2001 Jun 05
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I can remember the family I once had the front and back door
of our house the carpet stains on our floor we always said we
were going to clean up... the bed we shared the dinners we prepared.
All I can do now is remember those things we've shared.

Sharing my thoughts with you were like sharing them with our
1 year old son who didn't understand anything I ever said but
always listened to me. I would tell him " mommy loves daddy" but
in the back of my mind.... Daddy didn't love mommy?

I came home one night to an empty house, do you remember that night?
you went out with the boys I went out with the girls.... havin' the
time of my life. Only to return to what wasn't so clear....'till this
day? I want to say "it's all hazey" but you told me when you returned
from your night out you didn't love me and you wanted me out?
Out of our house out of your life and this was it! It's been over
half a year and I still haven't returned to our home that we once

I often feel sick inside driving by the house when I see your
door open or when you call my house asking about our son. I
remember time after time when our son first began to say his first
words you weren't ever around to hear them.
All I can remember is my son always crying out daddy and you weren't

Remember when I'd call at akward hours of the day to say "hi" and to
just put the phone to our sons ear to hear your voice he's face
would always light up just to here the sound of your voice.

I can always  until this day remember the past of what we had. Can you?