By jackryhme
Date: 2001 Jun 16
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know not i the fears of the mother
but of the father
this i know
when first you were born
i watched from close by
and i saw a wonder
that made me nearly drop to my knees
with fear
too late to worry now
for here you where
and was i good enough
to raise
this was numbered one of my fears
how do i handle, change, feed
i who never to be a father
was once what i believed
would you be president
or a mass murder
flickered through my thoughts
this wonder i held first
before any other
my very first
for know no matter what else
this was pure love i felt
and number two of my fears
the thought i could still run
numbered in at three
how exhausted my wife took care of four
how the fear climbed, climbed
till with still blind eyes
you looked at me
and the largest fear began again
that i was not good enough i knew
but i would try my best to be