By Ali
Date: 2001 Jun 20
Comment on this Work

Fine Line

I wonder what went wrong, what happened in between
Though, I know that it really doesn't matter
Or, rather, that it shouldn't matter, anymore
But, what matters to me is you...
A million miles away from where I am
I still think of you, do you think of me?
There are a thousand open-ended questions in my mind
Cluttering up this creaky mess of a brain
I am so damn tired of wondering...
It's really gotta
I just wanted you, baby, don't you get it?
Did you ever?
I hate you...I love you
Such a fine line, right?
I love you, still
I just keep thinking that I shouldn't
But, love isn't 'should' and 'shouldn't'
It just 'is' or 'is not'...