By witty
Date: 2001 Jul 02
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is not collated
from a string of
unbroken promises,
nor childish carvings
upon barks of
aging trees,
embedded with
fancy initials and
clumsily chipped hearts...

It does not attach itself
upon yellowed love letters
frayed on edges
or guilt-bound diaries
where lovers' intimacies
are best recaptured
in memorable lines
frozen in time.

It does not manifest itself
in entwined arms and softly spoken endearments
upon delicate, tingling ears.

It does not rely upon a throbbing heart,
which beats as intensely
as it thumps its last.

is an osmosis of
the soul and the mind
and the craving
for an eternity,
between now and beyond
amidst time and space
even in fractions of moments.

For as long as its essence exists in us
It fuels hope
that we can hold on to something
for as long as we can,
for as long as we believe we can.

Love becomes

(jojie aka witty - for those who believe)