By Isabella Svenska
Submitted by Isabella Svenska
Date: 2001 Jul 03
Comment on this Work

Hidden Meaning - What he really meant to say without saying it

I am a selfish rotten bastard who wants to see you because I am so boozed up I can't see straight.  I figured you were waiting for my phone call at 12:30 in the morning and was hoping that I could stop by and see you because I feel lonely and need to talk about the bad day I had. I was hoping my vulnerability would help me get laid. I broke up and cheated on every other person I could have had a relationship with, including you and because you are a better person than me (which I am constantly pointing out to you because I am looking pity and shallow forgiveness) hopefully you are willing to overlook my shortcomings.  I realize that fidelity is not my best attribute but I am willing to lie to you to get what I want and elude you to the fact that you mean so much to me that I actually have to call you at my convenience.  Forget the fact that I can call you when I get home from work, sober, and maybe ask you out to a nice dinner and start earning your trust and respect that way.  I want to call you when I am blind drunk - I think this is more effective and somehow I seem more sincere that way.  Nonetheless, I make it seem like I can't stand to be without you - what I really mean is I can't stand to be without someone - and right now you will do.  Speaking of do, I tried to pick-up on several wench-like hos at the bar I frequent but no one fell for my half-assed witty one-liners - so I am calling you in hopes of somehow dredging up some long lost feelings you may have for me after I completely betrayed you by doing two women separately on the same night - one of which you briefly witnessed.  I miss you and you are the only woman who I think might speak to me after the way I generally choose to behave - like a philanderer without morals or any long term thought of the ramifications my actions may cause or any regard to anyone's feelings but my own.  I am selfish that way but...aren't I adorable when I am this vulnerable? Call me.

I wasn't interested.