By terry39
Date: 2001 Jul 14
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Let Me Be Me

Let Me Be

Let me be
Your other hand,
That will hold the wheel steady
That we might, together, sail this vessel farther
Than either of us might manage alone.
United we will never fail.

Let me be
The clarity of your vision
That will, with a quiet lucidity,
Remind you of your talents and strength, your love and beauty.
Anchoring that clarity during every storm of doubt.

Let me be
Your living poem
For I will scribe the map of my heart onto your soul
With loving tenderness and abiding grace
Revealing a glimpse of what will be,
As we begin our life together

Let me be me
Exactly who I am.

tenderhearted in love
enchanted by an angel of light, yet
reconciled to the truth and
realization that I am destined to
yearn for my other half, forever, until we are one.