By ~Harem~
Date: 2001 Jul 26
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Begging to be Written

A poem woke me up last night
Begging to be written.
Prodding and poking me
Saying, wake up, get up
Please write me.

I turned over and ignored him.
More subtly now,
it caressed me gently
Whispering in my ear
Words of arousing sweetness.

Almost tempted to succumb,
sighing deeply
I turned a deafened ear
I  said, "not now, maybe later.
Can't you wait until the morning?
I'm too tired right now.
Please Let me sleep."

I pushed him away
Out of my mind
Away from my heart
Falling back into peaceful slumber

When I woke up this morning
He was gone.
I tried so hard to remember him
Vaguely, bits and pieces surfaced
But not enough, to write him.
I was so disappointed.
