By Isabella Svenska
Submitted by Isabella Svenska
Date: 2001 Jul 28
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A Summer Wedding


I was seated by a handsome usher
In a church that was so beautiful
Thinking of the vows the two will take
And knowing they are committing to love each other
Forever for the rest of their lives

Memories of a past life
Pass through my mind
Like cars on a highway
The lights are bright and blinding
Like the memories I thought had faded
And the faded memory turns into yesterday

As I listen to the vows
And think of their love
And can't help but wonder
Am I destined for this?
Will fate ever visit me again?
And my vision becomes blurred

As my chin is quivering and I sit and listen
To the vows they wrote for each other
I try to be inconspicuous
But I feel so many emotions
And my mind starts wandering

I start thinking of how I was cheated
Out of the happiness I once shared
With someone I thought I would share my life with
Today, tomorrow and forever
And the burden that I have bared

Somehow this became the past
When it used to be my future
I thought it was forever
But now a distant memory

Reminded only by photos and memories
Of inside jokes and the way we laughed together
The way we were in our own little world
And ponder whether this will ever occur again

Shooting stars happen once in a great while
And true love less often than that
When I meet him I will know
Until then I will sit here and feel their words

She is his little piece of heaven
She taught him how to love and trust
She completes him with all of her soul
He wants to love her unconditionally
Have a family and grow old together
They are one and each half makes a whole

When he has a bad day
And comes home in a bad mood
He will greet her at the door
And think of her feelings first

He will ask how her day was
And if there is anything he can do for her
Because love is a two way street
And you should take care of your love first

Love each other unconditionally
With all of your heart be true
You will see what I mean when life hits you
And sometimes you will wonder what to do

If she burns the toast do not become angry
Take all of this in stride
Because you know there's no big deal to make
You have an entire loaf of Home Pride

For sickness and in health
My eyes well up with tears
For richer and for poorer
Until death do us part

My being screams with emotion
This ring is a sign of my love and fidelity
I feel tears stream down my face
I think of the love they will share
And how they'll grow old together with grace

I feel this ceremony had an effect on me
More than anyone will ever know
I am probably overcompensating
For some feelings I most likely never showed

Today was a cleansing of sorts
It felt as if I was a part
Of the love and joy they shared with me today
It somehow repaired my broken heart

Because life is a jar filled with many things
Stones and pebbles and sand
Fill my life with stones and pebbles
And realize the rest is in my hands