By ~Harem~
Date: 2001 Aug 05
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The Silent Drone

Empty, only air
No one to love or share
No one to hold me tight
On this or any night

Stagnant chilly air
Borders my despair
Lots of men who just
Want me for my lust

Its not enough you see
Not fulfilling me
Leaves an awful space
I need more than a face

I need a heart, a soul
To fill this empty hole
The vacuum void inside
Where I cringe and hide

A man can leave my shore
More empty than before
I crave the physical touch
The kisses and the such

But when the deed is done
and he is gone away
I'm left with lonely arms
No promise of today

After the love we make
It didn't fix the ache
I think it made it worse
To feel the empty curse

An awful space within
Back where I begin
To fill the nights alone
The awful silent drone
