By scqueen
Date: 2001 Aug 11
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The Ecliptic the apparent path of the sun among the stars;
the intersection plane of the earth's solar orbit with the
celestial sphere.  The constellations of the zodiac lie
along it.  In summer, the sun's path is longest and so are
the days...

Under paper-thin eyelids,
my color burns from hazel to amythest.
Shiftless, I rock the heat away
in a wicker chair,
back and forth
back and forth
until the ice cube I am sucking on
trickles down my chin
into my navel.
There is no breeze
among the mimosas
and the pink blooms droop
like the corsage
of a forgotten prom date.
I imagine I am a mermaid
deep in blue water,
the cool pool of melted ice
becomes a glittering jewel
and I swim to you,
shimmering with an aura
of a woman in love -
until something is biting...
my toe?
I open my eyes to see you
tugging at my foot.
You ask if I was dreaming...
...I say, "No, just crazy
from the heat".

In summer, the sun's path is longest and so are the days.