By ~Harem~ Date: 2001 Aug 19 Comment on this Work [[2001.]] |
Why am I so full of feelings? Some from within, so very near others beaming in, outside my sphere Profound magnifications emitting from their soul, aural control Polar pulsations radiating, penetrating Not everyone affects me this way. special presences, certain essences, such undertow, tremendous flow, surging glow Feeling their tide, deep inside a sweeping current, that pulls the sea floating and rippling each part of me Drawing me, dragging me, spinning me Absorbing some, others just caressing, impressing whirling thru my hair, endlessly Some firmly press against me, intensely not hurting, but demanding my attention feeling such attraction Why am I so full of feelings? Feelings everywhere, up close, and in the air at times, they even scare, me ~ |