By Neon Screams
Date: 2001 Sep 08
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The Window

Today was baby spider
All over me day (scream)
Lawn mower will not
Work day (cripes)
Climbing ladders up
High to wash windows day
(Don't look down)
Roll up the rugs
To be wishy washed day (Tide)
Pull and wack the weeds day
(There goes the manicure)
Sneeze, wheeze, and die day
(Achoo! Achoo!)
Bump my knee
On the coffee table day

But that's not what I want day (Flip it!)
It should be a your lips on mine day
A your bod and my bod to dine on day
I want wine and roses,
Romance and swoon day (sigh)
Fly me to the moon (whiz, bang, and zoom!) day
But do we ever get what we want day
Heck no,
Well not today anyway (sniff, Sniff, WHAAA)