By Sati
Date: 2001 Sep 10
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Discover Yourself

I see you sitting there
Curled up in the corner of life
Alone, a scared little boy
Wrapped in a fog of self-doubt
Consumed by the cold of abandonment
Memories of countless rejections
Haunting your happiest dreams
Cheeks carved with the trails of tears
Eyes clouded with confusion
The unanswerable question of Why?
Echoing within your very soul
Heart held by restraints made from fear
Thinking love only leads to pain
I wish I could scream out
That is not your fault
That you did nothing wrong
Bring warmth to your cold heart
Comfort your wondering soul
Kiss away every last tear you shed
But you must find your own voice
Find the warmth that is in you
Step out of the fog into the sun
Feel your heart beat within your chest
Life enter your body with every breath
I dream of the day you can smile
Though the tears may still come
Finding a balance between happiness and pain
So you can walk the line to love
Until that day I stand here
Watching and waiting
To hold your hand when you raise it
Hearing your whispers in the wind
Even if it is only as a friend
Someday you will see all that you are
Then the memories will begin to fade
And love will finally be yours