By Galadrial
Date: 2001 Sep 12
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The Stars Above Me

Tonight the sky was flat,
the night air too quiet,
and I scanned the deep blue velvet,
remembering the nights
I cursed the false blinking lights
that criss crossed the heavens.

Without them,
the stars would seem brighter,
I thought.
But tonight my wish came true,
and it seemed there holes
where something should have been
and I took no joy in my silent sky.

All at once,
the things I thought as torment
are as nothing---
less than nothing.
I saw the full lot empty,
and the empty lot full,
and though I can see
what the madmen did,
the print of their act is everywhere.

In the market,
people looked for my eyes,
wanted nodding assurances,
even from strangers
that our world still was,
despite the words and pictures,
despite the fear
and all day I heard happy shouts---
this one was late for work---
that one had the flu---
and one man's daughter
had a hang over
that he is still thanking god for.

But I knew as i drove home
that my world had changed
and I stared at the stars
little changed since our dawning,
shining like they did
yesterday's yesterday,
and I know there is a God,
and I know there is mercy,
and I know the tears will fill an ocean,
and still I am fool enough
to pray for peace,
as the stars shine above me.