By Rhetoric
Date: 2001 Sep 13
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Dream Waitress

I sit down in your section.
I always know where you serve and wait.
Cordials and greeting slip off my tongue.
You bring me ice-cold water,
it wasn't necessary to remind you about the lemon.

Floating past, looking attentively at my table;  
what concerned eyes you have.
Funky clogs and a pressed white collar;
you do stand out in a crowd.
Do you give me better service than the rest?

I shouldn't trouble you with favors,
but how can I tempt you to visit MY table?
Would I dare offer you a seat to chat as
you frantically serve a restaurant full of admiration?
Surely, they too are here to spend a lunch with you.

With guilty pleasure, I pay you more for your scent.
This place is no Hooters, but I watch just the same.
Am I a monster, or a puppy in love?
I nibble to seek your company; elegance with an apron.
My dream waitress comes to take my order.