By scqueen
Date: 2001 Sep 19
Comment on this Work


I got new spectacles today.
They are brown -  
plastic and thin,
pronounced even -
instead of clear and rimless,
like before.
I was called "preppy"
(not so bad)
and "cool"
(even better)...
by co-workers,
- all within a few hours.

I am "defined",
but not really.

Then, I talked to a Muslim.
A business associate,
heartwarming guy.
I felt like a kid
in class,
learning for the first time -
who he is,
what he believes,

He loves, like me.
Wants peace, like me.
Thinks war doesn't work
without a resolution,
like me.

He isn't afraid here,
says he can't worry about
what might happen.

We're a world apart...
Me and Sam.

But he's my friend -

And I wonder,
if he got...
new spectacles?